The Wolf Moon is a two minute video composed of over 1000 still frames. Illustrated by hand using colored pencils, markers, and Photoshop. Frames were then imported into Adobe Premier Pro for final composition with sound.
Using keyframe animation, the class was responsible for animating one thirty-second portion of a series of artworks by Marc Chagall. The goal was to create a continuous video with each student's portion seamlessly blending into the next section.
This Animated Type Video was created as a first in series with the goal of producing future videos to cover all of the Anatomy of Type terms and definitions.
A short narrative using a childhood experience as inspiration for my superpower.
Vivienne's Vintage Clothing and More is a short narrative told from three perspectives using ten looping gif animations. After closing, Morgan the Mannequin and Reggie the Register come alive and interact with each other. As morgan changes clothing, she takes on the personality of the previous owners of the clothes she wears. Click the image above to see the complete series.