Perilous is a 26" x 10" Film Noir Poster created with India Ink on Cold Press Board. The objective was to choose a word and design a black and white film noir poster around that word.
This 5" x 8" Travel Poster Series was created in Adobe Illustrator with an art tablet and pen and is entirely vector. The goal was to create a series of fantasy destination travel posters with a consistent theme. This piece was selected for inclusion in RMU's Spring 2021 Edition of Rune Magazine.
Grow is an animated illustration created on a tablet with a pen stylus.
Dragonfly Lady was created in 1996 for an illustration class at AIP. She was created with Dr. Ph. Martin dyes and pencil on 24" x 18" cold press board.
This 5" x 5" Patterned Horse Design is a scalable Vector Illustration created in Adobe Illustrator. The idea was to use patterns and lines to draw a stylized animal. The process included many steps and iterations before combining them all into a final design.
The Dragon and The Witch was created with alcohol based markers on marker paper.